- If you are using 8.5.1, the vast majority of <xp:...tag> tags don't support dojoType for some reason. This is fixed later, though I don't know when, because I'm on 8.5.1 myself. Three ways around that:
1. Don't use <xp:...tag>
- For instance, instead of using <xp:panel>, use <div> on your page so you may include dojoType without the automagic bollixing everything. If you don't strictly need a <xp:..tag> then it's also less work for the server to use a plain HTML tag, you just don't get the hand-holding Design tab. Instead you use the infinitely more capable and powerful Source tab.
2. Use programmatic dojo
- Don't use dojoType, put in script blocks that instantiate the dojo widgets using CSJS directly. This is a little more work but it may be applied even to <xp:...tag> tags, since by the time the programmatic instantiation runs, the <xp:...tag> has been converted to something normal, like <xp:panel> becoming <div>. Then dojo can play nicely with it. I do this when I need to bind to a data source and use dojo at the same time.
3. Upgrade to whatever Domino/DDE version properly supports dojoType on all its tags.
- I'll be glad when we get to this particular solution. Using dojoType is just a lot simpler for most of what I do with dojo.
Hope this helps...