I too early pass it to resolved the bolded values don't work on page load but with button they work ? What i have done wrong ?
<script type="text/javascript">
var progressBarSetValue = function(){
var maxIloscID = '#{javascript:getClientId("maxIloscRozwiazan_Ankieta1");}'; <--- This lane write simple string to maxIloscID not value
//var maxIloscID_Value = document.getElementById(maxIloscID).value;
var iloscID = '#{javascript:getClientId("iloscRozwiazan_Ankieta1")}'; <--- This lane write simple string to iloscID not value
//var iloscID_Value = document.getElementById(iloscID).value;
jsProgress.update({ maximum: 100, progress: maxIloscID_Value/iloscID_Value });
Resolved by putting script on page event: onClientLoad