The error for the attributes is because after the tag name attributes must follow the pattern attributeName="value" , I'm guessing the example put that there meaning, place what ever attributes you need here, not as something required to make the control work.
the bound error i'm guessing is because your using the "xe" namespace and haven't defined it yet. In XML you must define a namespace before using it.
try adding:
xmlns:xe="" as an attribute to the view on your XPage, there should already be xmlns:xp="" .
This control and namespace are part of the controls that come from the XPages extension library, which is your next question. The link you provided, on the top of the page is a navigation tree that reads:
Simply click the
Domino Designer XPages Extension Library link, this is telling you that the page you are on is inside this section and related to it. This has instructions / links for where to get it and install it etc. is where we post the latest updates but it will not be as stable / tested as the link above.