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Feb 24, 2012, 7:48 PM
4 Posts

Display number of documents in a view for a date using xpages

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: dblookup
  • Replies: 2

I'm trying to get a basic xpage to show totals for completed cases from a number of product databases.  This is the JavaScript value of a computed field on a custom control:

var db = new Array(@DbName()[0], 'otherdatabase.nsf')

var today = new Date();
var yr = today.getFullYear().toString()
var mth = (today.getMonth()+1).toString();
if(mth.length == 1){
mth = "0" + mth
var dy = today.getDate().toString();
if(dy.length == 1){
dy = "0" + dy
var KEY = yr+mth+dy;

completed = @DbLookup(db, VIEW, KEY, 2);

if (completed != null){
return 0;

This looks up a view that has the first categorised column that does match the data value.  The idea is that I should be able to look up the completed cases for any given date eventually.

However it is only ever returning 0.

By comparison the computed text on a form as follows works perfectly:

TEXT := "Product 1";
DBFILE := "otherdatabase.nsf";
SERVER := @Subset( @DbName; 1 );
DIR := @Left(@Subset( @DbName;-1 ); "\\" );
DIR := @If( @Contains( @LowerCase(DIR); "dev" );
"ncidev"; @Contains( @LowerCase(DIR); "test" );
"ncidev"; "instruction" );
DBASE := DIR + "\\" + DBFILE;
VIEW := "lookupcompletedbydate";
yr := @Text(@Year(@Today));
mth := @Text(@Month(@Today));
theMonth := @If(@Length(mth) = 1; "0" + mth; mth);
dy := @Text(@Day(@Today));
theDay := @If(@Length(dy) = 1; "0" + dy; dy);
KEY := yr+theMonth+theDay;
VAL := @DbLookup( "":""; SERVER: DBASE; VIEW;KEY; 2 );
VAL := @Elements( VAL );

TEXT + ": " + @Text(VAL)

What am I doing wrong?
Feb 27, 2012, 8:31 AM
261 Posts
Re: Display number of documents in a view for a date using xpages
Try to find out on what line your code fails. Are you sure that the database/ view/ documents are accessible from your XPage?
Also a couple of remarks about your code:
  • @DbLookup in XPages returns an string if it finds 1 result or an array if it find more results. I'd suggest to first always convert the result to an array and then count the number if items:
var completed = @DbLookup(db, VIEW, KEY, 2);
if (typeof completed == "string") { completed = [completed]; }
 var nrItemes = completed.length;
  • To get a date formatted as yyyymmdd you might also want to check out the SimpleDateFormat Java class.
Feb 27, 2012, 8:48 AM
4 Posts
Re: Display number of documents in a view for a date using xpages
 There's a reason why I shouldn't try coding on a Friday evening.
I stupidly missed the view name .
var db = new Array(@DbName()[0], 'mydatabase.nsf')
var VIEW = "lookupcompletedbydate";
var today = new Date();
var yr = today.getFullYear().toString()
var mth = (today.getMonth()+1).toString();
if(mth.length == 1){
mth = "0" + mth
var dy = today.getDate().toString();
if(dy.length == 1){
dy = "0" + dy
var KEY = yr+mth+dy;

completed = @DbLookup(db, VIEW, KEY, 2);

if (completed != null){
return 0;

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