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Jun 27, 2012, 9:43 PM
13 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

How to add passthru HTML in xp:link

  • Category: Other Domino Designer Tooling
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.3
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: passthrough span xp:span
  • Replies: 2
I'm trying to add an "x" to the end of a link (to indicate to the user that the value can be removed by clicking the link -- similar to how the xlib picker's work). I've gotten it to work, but the problem is that it puts the "x" at the front of the link text and I want it to appear after the link. Here's the code (note the 7th line of code - the "x" comes after the link text, but when rendered it is positioned before):

<xp:link styleClass="lotusFilter" escape="true" id="lnkPortUnitFilter">


if(viewScope.filters_UnitFilter != "" && viewScope.filters_UnitFilter != null && viewScope.filters_UnitFilter != "All"){

return viewScope.filters_UnitFilter;



<xp:span styleClass="lotusClose">x</xp:span>


event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="partial"



viewScope.filters_UnitFilter = "";

loadPortfolioData("", "", true);




 If I could somehow pass thru the html, I could change the 4th line of code from:

return viewScope.filters_UnitFilter;


return viewScope.filters_UnitFilter + '<xp:span styleClass="lotusClose">x</xp:span>';

And I think it will format correctly... Any ideas are greatly appreciated! 
Jun 28, 2012, 5:29 AM
129 Posts
Re: How to add passthru HTML in xp:link
Remove the text attribute from the link, and put the "link label" inside the xp:link node.
For instance using an xp:text.
Jun 28, 2012, 5:07 PM
13 Posts
Re: How to add passthru HTML in xp:link
Awesome, thanks! That worked like a charm. Here's the new code:

<xp:link styleClass="lotusFilter"

escape="true" id="lnkPortUnitFilter">



if(viewScope.filters_UnitFilter != "" && viewScope.filters_UnitFilter != null && viewScope.filters_UnitFilter != "All"){

return viewScope.filters_UnitFilter;



<xp:span styleClass="lotusClose">



<xp:eventHandler event="onclick"

submit="true" refreshMode="partial" refreshId="portUnitsDiv">


viewScope.filters_UnitFilter = "";

loadPortfolioData("", "", true);




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