~Karl FroresazenlenFeb 25, 2011, 10:44 AM149 PostsRe: Set image resource URL within a repeat control I think this is the way it works in a repeat if you do a full update.not sure, but you might try and use getClientID instead of getComponent Thomas
~Cheryl OpfreetheraderFeb 25, 2011, 11:22 AM9 PostsRe: Set image resource URL within a repeat controlOne way to do this is to set a sessionScope variable when you click your button. Then in the repeat control check the value to see if you need to put an OK or another image up.
~Lily KihipisonetsiFeb 25, 2011, 11:45 AM261 PostsRe: Set image resource URL within a repeat controlAdd a hidden input field to your page (xp:inputHidden) and bind it to the viewScope variable "selectedImage", set the ID of the control to "selectedImage".In the onClick event of the image in the repeat, add a client Javascript expression that fills the editable field with a unique identifier for the image clicked (in the example code: it's the repeat control variable imageId):dojo.query('[id$="selectedImage"]')[0].value = '#{javascript:imageId;}'In the property that computes the image to be shown (inside the repeat), check if the image was selected by reading the selectedImage viewScope variable: show the "ok.gif" image if it is or the default image if it isn't.