This is in no way an ideal solution but should unblock you, will also depend a little on your use case. I took the code you posted the last time to test this so i'm assuming your still using a repeat inside a repeat.
what you could do is get the client id of the top level repeat add a number to the string and the id you have given the second repeat. Because a repeat row's id will be:
the repeatID + ":" + the index
so each row will be something like:
view_1:panel1_ ... repeat1:0
view_1:panel1_ ... repeat1:1
view_1:panel1_ ... repeat1:2
and so on...
so you have a repeat inside this called repeat 2 so
view_1:panel1_ ... repeat1:2:repeat2 will get you the third row
view_1:panel1_ ... repeat1:0:repeat2 will get you the first row and so on....
so something like this will work but it assumes you know which row you need to hide:
var repeat1ID = "#{id:repeat1}";
repeat1ID += ":2:repeat2";
var repeatRow = dojo.byId(repeat1ID); = 'none';