Thanks for suggestion.
I've noted that when the page is first loaded the length property of node is 2, but after full refresh is 1.
var inputNode4 = dojo.query('[id$="lblNome"]');
if(inputNode4!=null && inputNode4.length>0) {
inputNode4[inputNode4.length-1].innerHTML = value;
The script works only when length=2.
So I've added:
XSP.addOnLoad(function() { code });
with this code:
var mynode = dojo.query('[id$="lblNome"]');
if(mynode!=null && mynode.length!=2) {
var frame = dojo.query('[id$="frame"]');
if(frame!=null && frame.length>0)
note: 'frame' is the main panel which include all controls.
Now this works! Thank you!