Can't for the life of me find a reasonable @Prompt([OKCancelList] equivalent in OpenNTF. I've got a long list of agents which need to be run based on a status and order type like this..Any suggestions?
REM {What do you want to do?};
userchoice := @If(CurrentStatus = "To Order" & AcqType="Purchase";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Order" : "Order with Purchase Requisition");
CurrentStatus = "Ordered" & AcqType = "Purchase";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Receive" : "Cancel");
CurrentStatus = "Partial Receipt" & AcqType = "Purchase";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Receive" : "Cancel");
CurrentStatus = "Received" & AcqType = "Purchase";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Mark Invoiced" : "Return");
CurrentStatus = "To Order" & AcqType = "Loan";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Create Book ILL" : "Create Article ILL");
CurrentStatus = "Ordered" & AcqType = "Loan";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Receive ILL" : "Cancel ILL");
CurrentStatus = "Received" & AcqType = "Loan";
@Prompt([OkCancelList];"Change Status";"What would you like to do with this acquisition?";"";"Mark ILL Invoiced");
error := "Unable to change the status of this acquisition " + @Char(10) + @Char(13) + "You can use the Copy Acquisition button to reinstate the order.";
@If(userchoice = "Order";
userchoice = "Order with Purchase Requisition";:
(etc. etc)