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Apr 21, 2011, 5:19 PM
94 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

Now that I've set my innerHTML value with csjs, how do I get it with ssjs?

  • Category: Custom JSF code (Eclipse IDE)
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5.2
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 4
I'm creating an array of values with csjs and am storing it in an edit box with
field.innerHTML = newarrayvalue;

Now, I need to use that array in ssjs code - how do I get the fields value?  getComponent getValue() doesn't work.

Maybe I'm going about this wrong way - how else can I store an array with csjs and then pick it up with ssjs?
Apr 21, 2011, 6:54 PM
4 Posts
Re: Now that I've set my innerHTML value with csjs, how do I get it with ssjs?
You cannot access innerHTML with ssjs. You'll need to write the array values to a temporary storage container (a field) first on your submit/save/whatever button. If your writing to innerHTML then I'm assuming your field is not a real field or its a field that isn't in edit mode.

Create a temp field and when it comes to your submit operation write some CSJS code that gathers all the values and populates a css hidden field:
var tmpArr = arrayYourTringToAccessViaSSJS ;
var hideFld = document.getElementById("hiddenFld") ;
hideFld.value = tmpArr.join(";"); // semi-colon is the multivalue field sperator
Then you can write some SSJS code on to grab the field values...
Apr 21, 2011, 7:12 PM
94 Posts
Re: Now that I've set my innerHTML value with csjs, how do I get it with ssjs?
hmmm... well, here's the context - I have a repeat control that displays a list of documents.  The csjs is used so the user can select/deselect documents in the list.  I store the id of the document in an array using innerHTML because when I tried to store it with field.value = arrayval, the field didn't show the result on the page.  The "field", btw, is an edit box.  I'm using display:none to hide it from the user.
The select/deselect must use csjs because I don't want to make a trip to the server.  I was originally storing the id's in a sessionScope var, but it was taking 30 seconds to update it with each click.  The csjs is practically instant if I can only get the id's for processing from the serverside.
I just tested it again...  field.value = arrayval doesn't do anything.  Am I missing something?
btw - The page does not have a document data source.  The edit box for storing my array is just defined with javascript default value "".
Apr 21, 2011, 7:46 PM
31 Posts
Re: Now that I've set my innerHTML value with csjs, how do I get it with ssjs?
Bob, I had to do the same thing you're trying to do.  Neil XXX's advice is basically what I did in CSJS.  I used a hidden input control bound to a viewScope variable though instead of an edit box to store the UNIDs in it.  In my case, both the CSJS & SSJS were triggered from the same button -- the CSJS will run first & populate the hidden input field.  Then the SSJS will get it back out & can do whatever you need to with it.
-- Hidden Input Source:
        <xp:inputHidden id="yourHiddenInput"
-- CSJS:
var unids = XSP.getElementById("#{id:yourHiddenInput}");
var delUNIDArray = new Array();

/* Save the UNIDs selected */

var a = document.getElementsByName("delThis");
for(var x=0;x<a.length;x++){
      //alert("checkbox[" + x + "] checked = " + a[x].checked + " value = " + a[x].value);
      if ( a[x].checked == true ){
          //alert("in checked = true [" + x + "]");

var unidString = delUNIDArray.join(', ');
//alert( "UNIDs selected = " + unidString );
unids.value = delUNIDArray;
-- SSJS:
var aUNIDArray = new Array();
aUNIDArray = @Unique(@Trim(@Explode(getComponent("yourHiddenInput").value)));
viewScope.pickedUNIDs = @List(aUNIDArray);

Apr 21, 2011, 8:19 PM
94 Posts
YES! That worked!
I changed my edit box to a hidden input control bound to a scoped var and now using field.value=arrayval works just as it should.  I can also get the value back out with getcomponent getvalue() on the server side.
Thank you!

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