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Nov 9, 2011, 12:35 PM
13 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

SOLUTION: XPage Memory issue, 256k jump not released

  • Category: Performance
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 8.5
  • Role: Developer,Administrator
  • Tags: memory
  • Replies: 5
Please see Julian Buss web site for explanation:
I posted a memory issue I was having with a repeat control a few days ago, but I have reposted as I am getting the same problem, regardless of what is on the XPage.

Domino 8.5.1 FP5 HF139 on Windows 2008 R2 standard and Domino 8.5.3 on local PC, Windows 7.

We have a web application that has been in production for about a year now, HTTP access, using a mix of traditional and XPage (backing beans and XPage "agents" to serve up data to traditional web pages and external systems via RESTful urls, dojo.xhrGet(), etc.).  The application is used 365\24\7 (mulitple clustered servers).

We are in process of converting some traditional pieces over to XPages (at this stage views, so we can make use of paging), but I have run into a fundamental memory issue, which I am hoping someone might be able to advise me on.  I have created XPages that appeared to have memory issues, so stripped everything back to basics.  I have created an xpage as follows, as simple as you can get

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">

Now start task manager and watch the nhttp task, every time you open the xpage via your url, the memory jumps up in pretty much exactly 256k steps, this memory is not released.  I have tested this on Domino 8.5.1 FP5 HF139 on Windows 2008 R2 standard and Domino 8.5.3 on my local PC, same results.  We still have a "gradual" memory leak on our production servers, we extensively use backing beans accessed via our XPage "agent".  We have spent a long time debuging the backing beans, checking for recycling etc., our memory issue might actually be just acessing the Xpage agent page...I will follow up on this when I have results.

In application settings, I changed Server page persistence to Keep pages on disk (thanks Tommy Valand  It doesn't seem to make any diff which setting I choose.

I just have to be missing something fundamental, other people would have noticed this by now, does anyone have any ideas?  Over the course of an 8 hour shift, our server would run out of memory very quickly.


Nov 9, 2011, 7:40 PM
129 Posts
Re: XPage Memory issue, 256k jump not released
The only time I've encountered problems was when the HTTPJVMMaxSize (I think that is the setting name)  in notes.ini was set to 64MB. After setting it to 256MB, the memory issues disappeared.
This is for testing purposes, not a suggestion for a solution. 
In the XPages tab in Application Properties, have you tried setting the Application/Session timeout to a low value? If you set the timeout to one minute, see if the 256k chunks are released within one or two minutes. 
If they are, it's probably not a memory leak issue.
Nov 9, 2011, 9:13 PM
13 Posts
Re: XPage Memory issue, 256k jump not released
Thanks again for your contribution.
HTTPJVMMaxSize I am not aware of this, but I'm pretty sure you mean HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize.  We have HTTPJVMMaxHeapSize=512M in dev, in our production servers, dedicated HTTP servers this is higher. 
 I know this is a bit much to ask, but if you (or if anyone else who reads this) create an XPage like...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="">
and then open it in your browser of choice, and then just repeatedly manually refresh the url in your browser, does your nhttp.exe memory stay the same or go up?
Nov 10, 2011, 1:32 PM
2 Posts
Re: XPage Memory issue, 256k jump not released
Change the serialization mode to disk, in the application properties. This is now the default, but this wasn;t in the 851 timeframe.
This should sort out the problem. 
Nov 10, 2011, 3:58 PM
13 Posts
Re: XPage Memory issue, 256k jump not released
Thanks Philippe.
I have:
Application Props\ Performance\ Server Page Persisitence: Keep pages on disk.
Minimum Supported Release: 8.5.3 (for my test running on 8.5.3 server).
...I still have same problem
Nov 10, 2011, 7:38 PM
129 Posts
Re: XPage Memory issue, 256k jump not released
I did a test on local machine (running 8.5.3) with your basic example. If I refresh about ten times, it looks like the server flushes the old instances, and frees the memory.
I also tested using three different browsers/refreshing them randomly, and the same happened. 

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