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Feb 22, 2011, 9:38 PM
6 Posts

reading / updating notes date time item

  • Category: Server Side JavaScript
  • Platform: All
  • Release: 8.5.1
  • Role: Developer
  • Tags: notesdatetime
  • Replies: 2
Perhaps someone can provide an explanation or provide a more correct solution..
Problem:  xpage button when clicks appends effectiveUserName and date to two fields which may or may not be empty.

My first stab at it looked like this:  it would read the document but saving caused a crash, no mater what.
var uname = session.getEffectiveUserName();
var fpos = @If(@Contains(currentDocument.getItemValue('Pending1'), uname), '1',@Contains(currentDocument.getItemValue('Pending2'), uname), '2','3');
var arrvalues = currentDocument.getItemValueArray('Completed' + fpos);
var dtarrvalues = currentDocument.getItemValueArray('Completed_Date' + fpos);
var dttoday = session.createDateTime(@Today());
currentDocument.replaceItemValue('Completed'+fpos, arrvalues);
//currentDocument.replaceItemValue('Completed_Date'+fpos, dtarrvalues);
After reading the developer wiki and help with my eyes open this time, I arrived here, which works whether field is empty or has values.

var uname = session.getEffectiveUserName();
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
var fpos = @If(@Contains(doc.getItemValue('Pending1'), uname), '1',@Contains(doc.getItemValue('Pending2'), uname), '2','3');
var arrvalues = doc.getItemValue('Completed' + fpos);
var dttoday = session.createDateTime(@Today());
if (arrvalues.isEmpty()) {
doc.replaceItemValue('Completed'+fpos, uname);
leted_Date'+fpos, dttoday);
} else {
var dtarrvalues:java.util.Vector = doc.getItemValueDateTimeArray("Completed_Date" + fpos);
leted'+fpos, arrvalues);
leted_Date'+fpos, dtarrvalues);
any better solutions out there?
Feb 22, 2011, 10:10 PM
13 Posts
Re: reading / updating notes date time item
 you might want to use @Text around the date portions
Feb 23, 2011, 8:15 AM
261 Posts
Re: reading / updating notes date time item
How about using an "addItemValue" function that will create the item if it doesn't exist or will add a value to an existing item. The example below will work with text/date/number fields:
// add a value to an item on a document
function addItemValue(doc:NotesDocument, itemName:String, itemValue, allowDoubleEntries ) {
        allowDoubleEntries = (allowDoubleEntries || false);
        var item:NotesItem = doc.getFirstItem(itemName);
        if ( item == null ) {    //item doesn't exist
            doc.replaceItemValue( itemName, itemValue );
        } else {
            //add value if double entries are allowed (always) or
            //no double entries allowed and value isn't present yet
            if ( (!allowDoubleEntries && !item.containsValue(itemValue)) || allowDoubleEntries  ) {

                var values:java.util.Vector = item.getValues();
                if (values == null) {        //item doesn't have a value yet (e.g. empty string)
                    doc.replaceItemValue( itemName, itemValue);
                } else {


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