i have set-up a Sametime Server (9.0 w32) on Domino (9.0.1 w32).
And i have managed to configure "Domino SSO" for the Sametime clients to work.
All my users will be using only the embedded Sametime client inside their Notes client (9.0.1)
Through a Notes-Desktop-Policy i managed to apply to the Notes-clients which SameTime-server to use and to use "Domino SSO" to log-in.
However when the users start their Notes-clients they still need to hit the "Log in"-button in the Sametime-Client. If they additionally select the "Automatically log in", then they are logged in automatically everytime they start Notes, which is what i want.
How can i set for all my users the option "Automatically log in"?
I found no way through the Notes-policies. Is there an other option?
Thank you in advance.
I found that these settings could be set with an managed-settings.xml file. I have created one and placed it on a web server. However i cant find where to tell the clients to update from this file.
Cant find it in the administation option of SameTime nor in the Desktop-Policy of the Notes-Klients.
Where do i place the path for the managed-settings.xml file? Thank you
I found the solution how to do it with desktop policies alone.
I used the "Managed Settings" shown right at the end of this technote: