I'm sorry to say that those exceptions are "normal" on startup of the deployment manager and can be ignored. I see them on various deployments. These are red herrings.
Are you installing various components on the same host? What's your topology?
Have a look at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21508641which doesn't seem to work.... Here it is pasted below
How to restore the Sametime System Console and ISC
 Problem |
 Symptom |
From within the administrative console, all of the Sametime options are missing, for example, the entire section starting with Sametime System Console as shown in the following screen capture:
If the entire Integrated Solutions Console (ISC) is gone, the error you might see in the browser is as follows: "SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /ibm/console has not been defined."
Note - if you see...
"SRVE0255E: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle / has not been defined."
...make sure to use the full URL which should include /ibm/console, as there is no redirect from / to the ISC application on the deployment manager. |
 Cause |
There are several possible causes for this problem. The most common two are as follows: (1) after a cluster creation activity or (2) after a failed cell installation on the same physical host that the Sametime System Console is installed on.
This problem can also happen if something has corrupted the ISC application deployment.xml file or directories. |
 Diagnosing the problem |
First determine if the user roles are correct, because the roles are an easy thing to check using these steps: 1. In the WebSphere administrative console, expand Users and Groups, then select Administrative User Roles. Screen capture of the "Administrative user roles" pane: 2. Do any of the users listed there have the "All Authenticated Users" role?
If so, then role mapping is not your problem. 3. If not, go to Users and Groups > Administrative Group Roles.
If so, is the user name that you are using to log into the SSC a member of a group that has the All Authenticated Users role? If so, then role mapping is not your problem. 4. If not, then you need to add the role for your user name.
b. Hold down the Ctrl key and select the role "All Authenticated Users". c. Click OK. d. Log out and Log back in. You should now see the Sametime System Console option. |
 Content |
If remapping the administrative user roles does not resolve the problem, then to restore the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console and the Sametime System Console application, open a service request with IBM Support. The Sametime Support team will provide you with a fix utility, tracked as hotfix TPAE-8KM395, and instructions for its use. In addition, Support may collect information to analyze how this infrequent problem occurs to determine ways to prevent it in the future.
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Also take a look at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21595405 which kind of overlaps with the above. I have had to use this previously when access was lost though I cannot remember the circumstances.