i checked in my environment (Domino 9.0, Connections 5.5).
With Softerra LDAPBrowser i can't see the dominoUNID (logged in with a bind user), but when i check with ldapsearch i get:
ldapsearch -x -h ns1.panastoeps.local -D "CN=LDAP Bind,ou=internal,o=example" -w "password" -b "o=example" dominoUNID
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <o=example> with scope subtree
# filter: (objectclass=*)
# requesting: dominoUNID
# example
dn: O=example
dominounid: D518BBB566C7E3B3C1257E7C0038A1B6
# First Admin, example
dn: CN=First Admin,O=example
dominounid: 355CC60935C89D40C1257E7C0038A307
I would always use a connection with a user/password and no anonymous bind! (Configuration document only changes fields for anonymous bind).
What's your ldap configuration? Special tuning like timeouts or min search characters set?
How is your names.nsf ACL configured? Max Internet Access? Do you use XACL?