System is Domino 9.0.1FP2 x64, Sametime 9.0.1 and Traveler 9.0.1. Sametime has system console, meeting server and proxy server installed, no audio or video support installed. I am trying to locate a document detailing the proper procedure for installing fix packs into Sametime. I would like to update these while I am updating the Domino & Traveler server to the latest fix pack (FP4) but can't seem to find a document spelled out in "not-so-techno-speak" terms. I only envisioned that the installation of a fix pack into Sametime would be as simple as it is to install one for Domino or Traveler but I'm certain there is a proper order in which to accomplish this.
If this is off-topic, my apologies but seems this forum has the most updated information.