G'Day Guys
We usually BL IPs on our routers, but I have decided to try it in the Domino Web Engine as it is just as easy to programmatically update a doc. on a Dom. server as it is to update the router table via Winsock :)
As per this page -> https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSKTMJ_8.5.3/com.ibm.help.domino.admin85.doc/H_RESTRICTING_ACCESS_BY_IP_ADDRESS_ON_THE_WEB_SERVER_3127_STEPS.html
I have as a test entered
94.102.* 216.172.159.* 86.110.* 189.223.* 132.232.*
These work fine
Now I want to BL the Chinese hackers who as scanning for .php files over & over in the range -> - which is a total of 122,880 IPs
I have tried adding but this does not seem to work.
Anyone know the correct format for a range of IPs ?