I am trying to configure SAML with notes clients.
In some places i find that you dont have to run it with domino http and configure it with ssl, is that correct? or is it mandatory to still configure the http?
And another thing i configured idp databse to use http, and when launching notes i get this and notes stops, seen some reports pointing to problems with ssl
[26BC:0002-1A20] 05/04/2018 08:54:34.25 AM DeskPostNFLDataToJava> ENTER
[26BC:0002-1A20] 05/04/2018 08:54:34.25 AM DeskPostNFLDataToJava> xml response
: [<response><NFLResponse IDPurl='https://sso.domain.com/adfs/ls/IdpInitiated
[26BC:0002-1A20] IDPUserName='CN=myname/OU=domain/O=ACME' I
[26BC:0002-1A20] 05/04/2018 08:54:34.25 AM DeskPostNFLDataToJava> EXIT
where does this value come from? https??
probably from some place in the idp database, i disabled the document and created one with only http...does the server need to be restarted.
Any hint appreciated.