You changed your primary internet domain from '' to ''.
On the Global Domain document, the field 'Local primary Internet domain:' used to say '', now it says ''
The field 'Alternate Internet domain aliases:' used to include '', now includes '' (and is no longer listed in the alias field).
Each Person document 'Internet address:' field was changed from '' to '', and '' was added as an alias (typically to the shortname field or fullname field).
So far correct?
1) I assume you've rebooted the server?
2) Your Domino domain name - does in include '.com' or a period at all? Or is it strictly alpha characters?
3) For any user that experiences this problem, do every one of their local address book 'Location' documents contain their new email address, ''?
4) Does this happen on every email received, or does it happen perhaps only on emails that the user received to their '' alias? (and they're replying from') ?
5) What specific version is the Domino server?
6) Specific version of affected user?
that's all i can think of at the moment...