I need to secure mails between two mail accounts, one is in our firm and use IBM lotus notes and second for one customer (outside of firm).
I imported certification to customer outlook 2013 (lets say cust@napad.com) and also have certification import in my account in IBM lotus notes 9. Problem is that when i try to send encrypted mail to cust@napad.com than i get error message.
"Mail encryption failure. This recipient's internet certificate could not be found in the directory. Either no entry was found with a matching internet address or a matching entry was found which did not contain a useable internet certificate. Check the directory for each recipient and make sure it contains an internet certificate that is trusted, has not expired, and has key usage set for encryption.
Also when i try to send encrypted message from Outlook mail to my IBM lotus note mail I get this error:
Encryption problems.
Microsoft Outlook had problems encrypting this message because the following recipients had missing or invalid certificates, or conflicting or unsupported encryption capabilities.