1.) you could check on the device's settings see if it set to "No Limit"
2.) If so, this could be a potential factor that is causing the slow sync of mails since this value allows ALL of user's emails from their mail database (which is too LARGE) to sync in to the device. To fix this, have them set to this to something like 3 days or 1 week.
3.) Check mailfile size check if near the limit or over the limit
- Domino Admin client > mail folder > select user's mail file > see if the Logical Size/Physical Mail file Size exceeds the Quota.
- or go to their iNotes/notes client and check the quota information (RED indicates overquota).
4.) Check the distance and network between Traveler Server and user's mail server
5.) Do a trace or a ping to check latency in the network
trace <ipaddressOfYourTravelerServer>
trace <hostname>
trace <servername>
trace <mailserverOfAffectedUser>
trace 12.345.678.90
trace http://ext-sampleserver.com/traveler
trace homemailserver/SRV/MSC
trace mailserver1/SRV/MSC