Another test to try
Will you have access to the previous version
of the mail template when you return to the site?
If so, I thought of another couple of
tests to try:
4. Replace design of 1 mail file
back to the <previous template version>, to see if the date/time
format display changes.
If the date/time format changes, That
would tell us the issue is 100% related to the template.
And if that is true, the template can
always be customized, although not all customizations are supported.
5. If it does NOT change it could
be the Java Eclipse client controlling the date format display here. To
test that: launch the Notes client in BASIC mode (from the program
directory, launch nlnotes.exe). What does the date format look like
6. If it still is not different
-with old template and basic client - I would focus then on the client
OS regional options.
Hope this helps.