~Fritz EkfoobergflarJul 29, 2016, 3:19 PM202 PostsYou asked a similar question back in MarchYou are missing a step of configuring the iNotes and Sametime integration. Someone kindly searched google for you and provided you with the technote link. Link
~Julia PrejipymarakolJul 29, 2016, 3:37 PM23 PostsSametime Inotes IssueHello Carl, Thanks again. Can you please provide me missing step of configuring the iNotes and Sametime integration? Given link is not working for me :( kind regards, Mahesh Dhuri
~Dan ZekvelusteroopsiJul 29, 2016, 6:14 PM6 PostsiNotes and sametime 9.0.1Hi Mahesh, Did you set the url:port of the sametime proxy server on the iNotes server in the server configuration document (iNotes tab) or in a mail setting policy document? This this madatory to advise iNotes how to reach the sametime server.
~Sigmund UmwemanoniAug 2, 2016, 5:42 PM323 PostsHis link appears equivalent to ...http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ndseforum.nsf/xpTopicThread.xsp?documentId=FF64C70809DD88D285257F6900695926#80BAFE11FAFFECF985257F6A0030627E