We have just had an issue again with windows 10 users running IBM Notes Client 9.0.1 FP9 (some on lower fixpacks but all above FP4).
When trying to run the notes client they are told by the piece of ***** that is windows 10 "This App Can't Run On Your PC"
Ironic that MS will push piles of ****ware to a machine without the user asking for it, yet wont run non-MS software that has been legitimately installed.
Users do not have Admin access to their machines. We have reduced the UAC and turned off Smart Screen. Yet Notes client will still not run.
Have searched and search, there are multiple google replys but none successful.
We are having to uninstall and reinstall the Notes Client on affected machines.
Is there any cance this can be solved bwtween IBM and MS as this is the second time it has happened. Only affects windws 10 machine and occurs after a windows update and is a phenominal PIA!