two Notes 9.0.1 FP4 Standard Client users experience frequent,completely random crashes. They might open a mail, scroll through a database, click on any tab, or do whatever when suddenly the client crashes. All other users don't get these crashes, even though they're using the same Notes client on the same PCs and accessing the same Notes databases on the same servers. Installing fix packs for 9.0.1, device drivers (especially GPU), and so on didn't help. One of them has got an entirely new PC with different hardware to rule out the client hardware, but the issue remains.
The call stack for both users however is always the same and as follows:
### FATAL THREAD 1/22 [ NLNOTES: 04d8: 0544]
### FP=0x00708eac, PC=0x65fad490, SP=0x00708ea0
### stkbase=00710000, total stksize=241664, used stksize=29024
### EAX=0x0a9bc00c, EBX=0x026b641c, ECX=0x000000a0, EDX=0x00000e00
### ESI=0x0051ebdc, EDI=0x00000000, CS=0x00000023, SS=0x0000002b
### DS=0x0000002b, ES=0x0000002b, FS=0x00000053, GS=0x0000002b Flags=0x00210283
Exception code: c0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION)
@[ 1] 0x65fad490 NLSCCSTR.ccSTRLen@12+304 (26b641c,a9bc00c,708ec4)
@[ 2] 0x6622a7fa nnotes.LSSiCLS::Strlen+42 (51ebdc,a9bc00c,0)
@[ 3] 0x662b96fb nnotes.LSsInstance::LitAddStr+75 (2042cc0,a9bc00c,0)
@[ 4] 0x672aee23 nnotes.LSsInstance::LitMayBeAdd+115 (2042cc0,a9bc00c,0)
@[ 5] 0x672cf9d0 nnotes.LSsThread::DoCCallout+3376 (83af3e8,83afba4,10001)
@[ 6] 0x672d008a nnotes.LSsThread::CProdCallFunction+378 (10001,1,0)
@[ 7] 0x66225a73 nnotes.LSsThread::NRun+6179 (83af3e8,26b6118,22f3020)
@[ 8] 0x662261fe nnotes.LSsThread::Run+206 (83af3e8,709538,6846ae48)
@[ 9] 0x66305ef3 nnotes.LSsInstance::Resume+35 (2042cc0,7095d0,68415860)
@[10] 0x6846ae48 nnotesws.LSEcInstance::ResumeClientScript+40 (2041d38,1,b)
@[11] 0x68415860 nnotesws.LSEcInstance::Resume+592 (2041d38,1,7095f0)
@[12] 0x6846ac6e nnotesws.LSEResume@4+14 (2041d38)
@[13] 0x688ea830 nnotesws.NotesRaiseEventHook@28+80 (2042cc0,7334e52,644,0,0,0,0)
@[14] 0x6622c978 nnotes.LSsInstance::RaiseEvent+56 (2042cc0,7334e52,644,0,0,0,0)
@[15] 0x6e91492b nlsxbe.ANTimer::ANTRRaiseAlarm+91 (22f3028,70967c,66237f4c,0,0,0,0)
@[16] 0x6e8c726a nlsxbe.YieldTimerProc@8+58 (0,73209a4)
@[17] 0x66237f4c nnotes.OSCheckYieldTimer@0+140 ()
@[18] 0x68490675 nnotesws.NEMMainLoop@4+1205 (2013b0)
@[19] 0x00201f90 NLNOTES.WinMain@16+3040 (200000,0,1,0)
@[20] 0x00202fa4 NLNOTES.__tmainCRTStartup+336 (fffde000,70ff08,77668fc2,fffde000)
[21] 0x76d333aa kernel32.BaseThreadInitThunk+18 (fffde000,77000c71,0,0)
[22] 0x77668fc2 ntdll.RtlInitializeExceptionChain+99 (2030e7,fffde000,0,0)
[23] 0x77668f95 ntdll.RtlInitializeExceptionChain+54 (2030e7,fffde000,0,0)
According to the LND tool and a Google search, nobody else has experienced this? At least not publicly? Or does anyone have a PMR for this already?