I have filed an issue with IBM (Jan 8, 2015): 13963,999,678
for this problem, not only for Notes 8.5 but also for Notes 9.0.1 (Windows, and probably others too).
The Notes 8.5* Designer Help says,
AppendParagraphStyle method
Inserts a paragraph style in a rich text item. Text following the paragraph style is rendered using that paragraph style's attributes.
Note This method is new with Release 5.
Defined in
Call notesRichTextItem.AppendParagraphStyle( notesRichTextParagraphStyle )
NotesRichTextParagraphStyle object. The paragraph style to be appended.
By default the insertion occurs at the end of the item. You can change the insertion point with BeginInsert and EndInsert.
But, attempting to call BeginInsert first, before AppendParagraphStyle, throws a Error 4508 Method Not Available. So I can't even make a workaround, it seems.
- Having NotesPeek to investigate the cretaed Draft Document (in ones mail box), shows some interesting facts:
- After the last Table Cell (and the Footer text), a number of PAB References can be seen
- All PAB References holds an empty paragraph block with NULL text, more precisely:
a number of CD Records of Text type, null text inside
(record-type Text) ; record #121, offset 0xa94
(length 8)
(font-id Swiss 8 pt Normal Black)
(text "")
Its seems the placeholder (for ParagraphStyle) is actually taking up a NULL text string !
Instead, the placeholder should not take up space (not even NULL text) inside the RichText Field, similar to what the AppendStyle method does.
The Business Problem, to me is:Can't make the intended useability ie. showing the correct text Alignment for paragraphs, intended for the Rich Text cells, as the View Column definition holds.