~Fritz EkfoobergflarJul 8, 2016, 1:26 PM202 PostsYou might want to ask this question in an internal IBM forumThat way the people in IBM who are responsible for your plugin could potentially answer.
~Joan BubjipylyingsJul 8, 2016, 1:41 PM6 PostsCan Notes Social Edition run with jre 1.7 or higherCarl, Thx for the suggestion. I will do that.
~Yentl UmhipibergnivuJul 12, 2016, 9:21 AM40 Posts1.6 jvm is not uptodateShould be rp26. Funnily enough, ICAA, aka the Notes Browser plugin, can run with later JVM's. But then that runs without the main user of the JVM, namely the eclipse environment... I keep hearing that efforts are being made to introduce compatibility with higher levels of JVMs...