~Joseph NimjumimanettuMar 25, 2013, 2:33 PM34 PostsCan you provide some more information?How far are you getting with the EE e-mail rendering? Are you able to see the "Click here to authorize" screen? Are you able to complete the OAuth dance with Connections, i.e., you click the "click here to authorize" link, sign into connections, and grant access? If you go to the Connections homepage, are you able to render entries in the Activity Stream there? Thanks, -Stanton
~Tony FezkroverakolMar 25, 2013, 7:36 PM23 PostsRE: default::[{"status":0,"responseText":""}] Hi Stanton, Embedded experience is working, but in de webmail(browser) I'm receiving this error in the iNotes console. And I'm also receiving this error in the local logs of the IBM Notes clients.
~John BubfooskiMar 27, 2013, 12:22 PM4 PostsRE: default::[{"status":0,"responseText":""}] It appears that your images did not make it. Can you provide text of the errors?
~Tony FezkroverakolMar 31, 2013, 6:26 PM23 PostsRE: default::[{"status":0,"responseText":""}] e-5E47668F3152384557BE018E4B597A7D-5-body-ee::https://connections4.domain.nl/connections/resources/web/com.ibm.social.ee/ConnectionsEE.xml::default::[{"status":0,"responseText":""}]
~Joseph NimjumimanettuApr 9, 2013, 1:20 AM34 PostsRE: default::[{"status":0,"responseText":""}]Hello, Sorry for the delayed response. This error may be a known issue with the IBM Connections Embedded Experiences gadget. I suspect it is given that the rest of the Embedded Experience still renders. What version of IBM Connections are you using? Do you have the latest fixes applied from Fix Central? Best regards, -Stanton
~Tony FezkroverakolApr 9, 2013, 8:26 PM23 PostsRE: default::[{"status":0,"responseText":""}] Hi Stanton, We are using, Connections 4.0 CR3.