since Sunday (after a restart of the server) we are having many SEVERE and WARNING from severeal (not all) users. These Users also don't get their mails.
[0AB0:0017-05C8] 24.09.2013 09:13:42 Notes Traveler: WARNING *system Status change from Yellow to Red: 49 errors have been logged during the last status interval.
[0AB0:0017-05C8] 24.09.2013 09:17:25 Notes Traveler: SEVERE CN=User1/O=Domain Error getting policy information. Request=NTSServletRequestSerializable acceptEncoding=gzip, acceptMultiPart=false, body=41 bytes, clearUserCache=false, cmdDeviceType=De
viceType: PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN (0), cmdUserId=short1, command=Provision, contentLength=41, contentType=application/vnd.ms-sync.wbxml, deviceId=ID, deviceType=DeviceType: BB_10_ACTIVESYNC_CLIENT (1020), firstMessage=true, forwarded=false, headers={
[0AB0:0017-05C8] 24.09.2013 09:18:08 Notes Traveler: SEVERE CN=User2/O=Domain Internal Error: Debug Data: --ERROR-- Id=2562,x'a02' Msg=Remote system no longer responding
[0AB0:0017-05C8] 24.09.2013 09:18:08 Notes Traveler: SEVERE CN=User2/O=Domain Internal Error: Debug Data: Error could not get the unread table
[0A58:0002-0A5C] StreamNotes: NSFDbGetNotes()->ERROR: A02=Remote system no longer responding
[0A58:0002-0A5C] StreamNotes: Requested 8, got 0
[0A58:0002-0A5C] 24.09.2013 09:18:22 Unable to replicate hornames.nsf: Remote system no longer responding
But the mail server not responding is in the same LAN and is reachable.
Anyone experienced this ?