In your scenario one, you will gain significant I/O efficiency in addition to the disk space savings of DAOS. If someone with a mail file on Server 1 sends 10 messages with a 5MB attachment to 10 people on Server2, only 1 copy of the attachment is sent between the servers instead of 10 and only one copy is written to disk instead of 10. Once the first message is sent and the attachment is stored in DAOS on server 2, Domnino knows that it does not need to send additional copies of the attachment. In order to enable this savings, make sure to enable DAOS on all the files on the servers.
Also you get the same kind of I/O savings in communication between the client and server. There is no DAOS disk saving on the client, but if you are forwarding a message with attachment from your client to a server which already has the attachment in its DAOS repository, the system doesn't send the attachment to the server again. Here is documentation:
also, take a look at the DAOS stats that are collected (especially the 'optimized' ones) - the system stores file counts and sizes for all the times it did not have to transfer files within servers and between servers because of DAOS
Your environment is a perfect use-case for DAOS.