Going through a roll-out of clean new desktops with a Windows 7 base image, that includes Notes 9 with no special install parameters.
After a user signs in and goes through Notes 9 setup, This is a roaming user, so roaming databases that are still 8.5 are being pulled down from the mail server during notes setup, they are getting the error "Notes client requires an up to date bookmark.ntf, please obtain a copy and restart notes"
This is caused by a notes.ini setting templatesetup=90000 which looks only for Notes 9 template based nsf files, and uses them.
This fix is to change notes.ini setting to templatesetup=70000 which forces Notes to look for older based templates and upgrade them.
Ideally we should be able to use a Shared notes.ini setting and just change it before a user does the first setup and this would resolve the issue.
I am unable to locate a shared notes.ini file on Windows 7, and according to IBM PMR 41891 227 000 that I opened for this issue, IBM says there is no Shared notes.ini so this cannot be set ahead of time to resolve this problem.
My question is does anyone have any other suggestions about resolving the issue of Notes 8.5 template based roaming profiles using a first sign into to a fresh windows 7 workstation with Notes 9 pre-installed?
Thanks for your time