I'm writing some LotusScript code to parse an XML file using the SAXParser. Up until now it has worked fine on both Windows and Mac.
I have a new XML file I want to parse and the second line of the file is:
<!DOCTYPE dives SYSTEM "http://www.mac-dive.com/macdive_logbook.dtd">
If I leave the line in the file and run it through the SAXParser it kills the Notes client on the Mac. If I run the code on Windows I get an error message "SAX parser operation failed".
I tried
saxParser.InputValidationOption = 0
but it makes no difference.
If I comment out the line:
<!—- DOCTYPE dives SYSTEM "http://www.mac-dive.com/macdive_logbook.dtd" —->
Notes on Mac doesn't crash but I get the same "SAX parser operation failed" message.
Only if I delete the line from the XML file does it work.
I'm not responsible for the XML files and I don't want to have to manually edit them (or even write code to edit them). Is there a way to tell the parser to ignore the line?