Hi all,
I finally found the problem why the debugger showed the wrong source code in 1 of my libraries.
As define in basic and in Lotusscript as well, it is allowed and valid to write 2 staments separated by a colon.
But this was what throws the debugger out of sync.
The below listed code was one of 2 code blocks which caused the problem. For each line containing a colon the debugger went wrong one line.
Because I had 2 "Select Case" blocks at different locations in that library, the number of lines the debugger went wrong was dependend on the location relativ to these two code blocks. Behind the 2 blocks it was the max.
Thus Mike Woolsey was right in what he wrote. But I simply have not seen these two code blocks and the colons there. Detected it now by chance ...
Select Case Left$(s$,3)
Case "INF"
me.z_stat="Info": me.z_msglvl=0
Case "WAR"
me.z_stat="WARNING": me.z_msglvl=1
Case "ERR"
me.z_stat="ERROR": me.z_msglvl=2
Case "DEB"
me.z_stat="DEBUG": Me.z_msglvl=9
Case "FAT"
me.z_stat="FATAL": me.z_msglvl=3
Case Else
me.z_stat=s$: Me.z_msglvl=0
End Select
So this is a bug of the debugger, as the colon is a valid syntactic element of Basic and Lotus Script.
But honestly said,I think instead of fixing the debugger IBM/HCL should exclude the colon in the next version of Lotusscript and raise an error if used.