We are testing managed replicas. Would like to deploy them throughout the organization, but have a question.
What is the "sweet spot" for the mail replication schedule? About 2/3 of our users have mobile phones and our current replication schedule of 60 minutes for mail means that users with managed replicas are going to report that their mobile phone's mail is not working. They will delete 20 mails and then they are still on their phone, so mail is not working. In fact, it is just that the local replica hasn't replicated changes up to the server yet.
I think we need to reduce the mail replication schedule (we set mail to high priority) down to 10 minutes or maybe even 5, in order to greatly reduce user inconvenience. By using managed replicas we are going to significantly reduce our network traffic, so I think that we will not unduly stress the network by increasing mail replication - but I am not an admin, so I am not sure.
Any ideas?