Still no results.
Here are my actions step by step:
1. I downloaded the certificates in .crt format from here:
2. Once again replaced the cacerts file in domino with a fresh original copy
3. Used keytool to import the certificates one by one:
[nvoskresensky@localhost security]$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias gd-root -file gd/gd-class2-root.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit Certificate already exists in keystore under alias <godaddyclass2ca>
Do you still want to add it? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore
[Storing cacerts]
[nvoskresensky@localhost security]$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias gd-intermediate -file gd/gd_intermediate.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
Certificate was added to keystore
[Storing cacerts]
[nvoskresensky@localhost security]$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias gd-cross -file gd/gd -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
gd-class2-root.crt gd_intermediate.crt
gd_cross_intermediate.crt gdroot-g2.crt
[nvoskresensky@localhost security]$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias gd-cross -file gd/gd_cross_intermediate.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
Certificate was added to keystore
[Storing cacerts]
[nvoskresensky@localhost security]$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias gdrootg2 -file gd/gdroot-g2.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
Certificate already exists in system-wide CA keystore under alias <extra-godaddyrootcag2>
Do you still want to add it to your own keystore? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore
[Storing cacerts]
[nvoskresensky@localhost security]$ keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias gdintermediateg2 -file gd/gdig2.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
4. Started server, tried to open the gadget, same result, same error in log as in OP
I assume i do not need to import the certificate or key for my domain specifically? It is supposed to be validated based on the certificate chain, isn't it?
Edit: i've also bumped up the appropriate logging level to FINEST, here is the full log: