This cannot be done - you cannot move folders/databases from one database to another via the GUI.
As mentioned, you can copy documents from database to another.
As a work-a-round it is possible to create a lotus script agent to do the desired move (from one DB to another):
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim w As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim dbSource As NotesDatabase, dbDest As NotesDatabase
Dim source As NotesView, dest As NotesView
Dim vc As NotesViewEntryCollection
Dim docDest As NotesDocument
Dim ve As NotesViewEntry
Dim folders() As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim ret, rez
Set dbSource = s.CurrentDatabase
Forall v In dbSource.Views
If v.IsFolder Then
i = i + 1
Redim Preserve folders( i - 1 ) As String
folders( i - 1 ) = v.Name
End If
End Forall
ret = w.Prompt( PROMPT_OKCANCELLISTMULT, "Folder selection",
"Select one or more folders to move.", folders(0), folders )
If Isempty( ret ) Then
Messagebox "User canceled", , "Folder not selected"
Exit Sub
Forall f In ret
Set source = dbSource.GetView( f )
Set vc = source.AllEntries
rez = w.Prompt( 13, "Database selection",
"Choose the database to move the folder to" )
If Isempty( rez ) Then Messagebox "User canceled", ,
"Database not selected" : Exit Sub
Set dbDest = s.GetDatabase( rez(0), rez(1), False )
Call dbDest.EnableFolder( f )
Set ve = vc.GetFirstEntry
Do Until ve Is Nothing
Set docDest = ve.Document.CopyToDatabase( dbDest )
Call docDest.PutInFolder( f )
Set ve = vc.GetNextEntry( ve )
Call vc.RemoveAllFromFolder( f )
Call source.Remove
End Forall
End If
End Sub