Has anyone successfully used JCIFS library in a Java agent to access files in a shared folder on a Windows file server? The file server is actually a Linux server, but it is running Samba to create a Windows file share and a scheduled agent will put files up on it.
Here is the code I'm using as a proof of concept:
import lotus.domino.*;
import jcifs.smb.NtlmPasswordAuthentication;
import jcifs.smb.SmbFile;
import jcifs.smb.SmbFileInputStream;
import jcifs.smb.SmbFileOutputStream;
public class JavaAgent extends AgentBase
private static final String USERNAME = "username"; //obviously changed
private static final String PASSWORD = "password";
private static final String SERVER = "fileservername";
public void NotesMain()
Session session = getSession();
AgentContext agentContext = session.getAgentContext();
// (Your code goes here)
SmbFile smbDir = connect("smb://" + SERVER + "/secured", USERNAME, PASSWORD);
catch(Exception e)
public static SmbFile connect(String smbServer, String userName, String pwd) throws Exception
NtlmPasswordAuthentication ntml = new NtlmPasswordAuthentication("", userName, pwd);
SmbFile client = new SmbFile(smbServer, ntml);
return client;
It seems to be a permission problem on the Domino side. I have the agent running level "3. Allow restricted operations with full administration rights".
Here is the error I'm getting:
java.security.AccessControlException: Access denied (java.net.NetPermission specifyStreamHandler)
at java.security.AccessController.throwACE(AccessController.java:100)
at java.security.AccessController.checkPermission(AccessController.java:174)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(SecurityManager.java:544)
at COM.ibm.JEmpower.applet.AppletSecurity.superDotCheckPermission(AppletSecurity.java:1449)
at COM.ibm.JEmpower.applet.AppletSecurity.checkPermission(AppletSecurity.java:1617)
at COM.ibm.JEmpower.applet.AppletSecurity.checkPermission(AppletSecurity.java:1464)
at java.net.URL.checkSpecifyHandler(URL.java:641)
at java.net.URL.<init>(URL.java:513)
at jcifs.smb.SmbFile.<init>(SmbFile.java:500)
at JavaAgent.connect(JavaAgent.java:33)
at JavaAgent.NotesMain(JavaAgent.java:23)
at lotus.domino.AgentBase.runNotes(Unknown Source)
at lotus.domino.NotesThread.run(Unknown Source)
From some of my searching about security errors when using Java agents, I saw some notes talking about modifying a "java.policy" file. Is this what needs to be done to get this to work?