~Phil NonhipigenikleAug 14, 2014, 6:05 PM26 Postsnew replica try creating a new replica. Easiest way to create a new replica and not impact the user is to move the user to another server using AdminP. keep in mind that soft deleted docs will not replicate so if the user needs those be sure to deal with that.
~Lisa PreaplopingsSep 3, 2014, 2:29 PM2 PostsNeed a little more informationIs this user currently using a local replica of their mail file? Or are they viewing their mail file directly on the server? Also, what version of the Notes Client is this user on? A couple tests worth trying: -Try having the user open up their mail file on the server, and delete the document there - is the behavior still occurring? -Try having the user create a new local replica, and see if the behavior occurs again.