Situation: Application is xPage based and used from IBM Notes client and from web browsers (mostly Firefox, but also some IE). Users know an 'autosave' feature from Word or Access application and they are wishing the same feature in that app.
In the Notes client we have the autosave feature out-of-the-box for Notes documents (if form's properties infobox the "Allow Autosave" option is activated and user has the feature AutoSave in his client enabled).
Wouldn't it make sense to have the same functionality in a xPage application in IBM Notes client and web browser client?
1. Is there an out-of-the-box autosave feature in IBM Notes client in xPage apps?
2. Is there an out-of-the-box autosave feature in web browser client for xPage apps?
3. Do you have faced the same problem and have solved it?
Proposal of a first draft for a solution:
In the xPage I can define for each document resource loaded if I wish to activate the autosave feature.
In IBM Notes client the same procedure for restoring is used as today with notes documents.
In Web browser a verification questions is automatically thrown if the browser window is closed and the autosave feature for at least one document resource is activated. If the browser is crashing then the next time the user is logged into the server a hint message is displayed about restoring the xPage and its content (not available for anonymous users).