Hey IBM, i got the axact same scenario here:
Results not ready yet, sleeping...
upgrading from 8.5.2 FP2 to 9.0.1 under windows 7 with UAC On.
I previously pushed the LNSUSvc service to the computers (first buggy thing !)
then i tried maybe...all the available parameters adn this last one:
-d /s /w /v"/l*v c:\temp\inst.log ALLUSERS=1 SETMULTIUSER=1 /qn"
just give me Results not ready yet, sleeping... during hours and hours...
Here is more informations:
the first log give me:
XPD: 03/07/2015 17:20:38 Provisioning/getProvReturnCode: ERROR - Le programme de lancement a échoué avec une erreur. Voir C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\Data\workspace\logs\rcplauncher.log pour plus d'information.
then in this log file:
CWPNL0021I: VM specified is "c:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Lotus/Notes/framework/../jvm/bin/"
CWPNL0077I: loading jvm.properties at "c:/Program Files (x86)/IBM/Lotus/Notes/framework/rcp/deploy/jvm.properties"
CWPNL0011E: Unable to determine RCP Base Plugin location. If the problem persists, reinstall.
Need help.