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Aug 1, 2013, 8:16 AM
3 Posts
topic has been resolvedResolved

ID Vault upload / download problems

  • Category: Security
  • Platform: Windows
  • Release: 9.0
  • Role: Administrator,End User
  • Tags:
  • Replies: 3

After installing a new Domino 9.0 in our existing domain we have the following issue:

When a user tries to upload or download the ID file from the ID Vault he gets the error message "Server Error: note item not found".

This problem only occurs on the new installed Domino 9.0 server. On servers upgraded form 8.5.3 FP3 to 9.0 everything is working fine.

The Security events in the severs log show:

ID for 'user name/company' successfully extracted from vault 'O=AP_IDvault' by auditor 'xxxxxxx xxxxxxx/xxxx' (IP address
ID failed to upload to vault 'O=AP_IDvault'.  'user name/company' (IP Address made request.  Error: Note item not found

After setting the IDVault debug parameters these messages are show on the console.

IDVAULT: idvdb.c IDVFindIDInVault: IDVOpenVault: No error
IDVAULT: idvdb.c IDVFindIDInVault: IDVOpenNoteFromView: No error
IDVAULT: idvdb.c IDVFindIDInVault: Exiting: No error
IDVAULT: idsync.c CN=user name/O=company; FileChunkSize 16284; WantDnLoad 1; WantUpLoad 0; WantCerts 0; WantChallengeC 0; UpFileHasPW: 0; TE0 0; TE1 0; TE2 1; TE3 1
IDVAULT: idsync.c FetchArtifacts: IDVGetVOCertChain: Note item not found
IDVAULT: idsync.c IDVSrvDlgSync: FetchArtifacts: Note item not found

We are able to open the users document in the ID Vault from the notes client.

Aug 9, 2013, 2:15 PM
4 Posts
FetchArtifacts: IDVGetVOCertChain: Note item not found

You should check the Vault Artifact for Vault Operations key.

1.Open the Vault and go to $RecoveryKey view. Are there any keys there? What are the names?

2.The name describes the chain. Reading right to left.Should be the Vault name and then a Vault server then the rest of the VOKeyname.

3.Check the Key item RKCert exits on that document.

4.Look in the Vault Servers view for the Vault server name in the in step 2. Check that document exits and has a value in the SVCert item.

5. Open the Vault document and make sure the Vault name that appears in step 2 is listed in the Vault servers.

Aug 19, 2013, 3:14 PM
3 Posts
Re: FetchArtifacts: IDVGetVOCertChain: Note item not found

Thanks Robert for your reply,

We have checked the steps you have described and could not find something wrong. All fields where filled out.

We have submitted a ticket with IBM support and hope they will find out what the problem is.

Best regards,


Aug 27, 2013, 12:04 PM
3 Posts
Problem solved

We have found the reason for our problem.

It turned out that we had a server listed as Vault server in the ID vault that did not have a server document in the Domino directory. After removing this server from the ID Vault the problem was resolved.


It still is funny that this only affects newly installed servers. The older servers in the domain did not have any issues with the ID vault.

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