~Justin LopgerovitchgonSep 17, 2014, 7:53 PM13 PostsNotes Browser Plugin alternativeOpen Mic Webcast: Notes Browser Plug-in - 03 September 2014 (Audio Replay, Presentation, Q&A) Doc #: 7042948 URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27042948
~Anita MinasteringsSep 17, 2014, 8:54 PM90 PostsPlus now the Domino Utility Server allows the Notes browser plug-in useIf your users get rid of the Notes client and don't use Mail/Calendaring then you don't need client access licenses. You can use the Domino Utility Server for both web users and Notes Browser Plugin use. You might save some money here! http://collaboration.euluc.com/blogs/lotusgermany/entry/ibm_domino_utility_server_v9_0_1_adds_ibm_notes_browser_plug_in?lang=en_us Howard
~Hank QuetrepulnivuSep 18, 2014, 10:29 AM10 PostsThanks I was aware of this, but to be honest hadn't quite made the connect, just tested it and it looks to work really well One problem - when I go to notes://home I get File does not exist. Which file is trying to open?
~Sarah MinvelumanoopsiSep 30, 2014, 6:14 PM3 Poststry notes:homeDid you mean "notes:home"? That will take you to the discover page. I found that "notes://home" redirects to my mail file. So the error may make sense in your case since you have no mail.