~Dan BubluskiobuApr 11, 2016, 10:24 AM6 PostsEnable Message trackingIF you enable message tracking on the server you see if a mail is read, or even if its deleted by user.
~George PrenikonyaderApr 11, 2016, 12:40 PM5 Postsread mailin particular I would like to know if a user that has been delegate on a mailfile, has read a specific mail With MT is it possible?
~Zach FezgerotherettuApr 11, 2016, 3:44 PM122 PostsRe: read mailHello Giulio! By default, there is no option and/or tool on Domino to check if a specific mail message was open/read by a specific user (owner or deletegated). Over time, the Domino MailTracker Store database (MTSTORE.NSF) accumulates valuable data about message routing patterns on the server. It may be useful to generate mail usage reports from this data. For example, you can generate reports of recent messaging activity, message volume, individual usage levels, and heavily traveled message routes. Maybe working with data generated by Message Tracking (creating some views, searching for NoteID of the document, etc), it should be possible. I hope it helps! Best Regards! Rodrigo San Vicente IBM
~James RevelulyaderApr 11, 2016, 8:16 PM145 PostsReturn Receipt?https://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/What_is_a_return_receipt sounds like not what you are looking for, but thought I would mention in passing.... Assume whomever it opens it first, the primary or delegate, will send the acknowledgement back to you.