I have got a user x who only have following access control on my mail file . read documents, write public document, copy or replicate document
My mail file is customized where a celndar entry form has embeded web browser.
Now , when user x tries to open an appointment and tries to get the browser control, it throws an error."you are not authorised to perform the opeartion"
Dim ObjCntl As Variant
Function hsOpenBrowser(apptHierarchy As ApptHierarchy, hsuidoc As NotesUIDocument, hsNewInstance As Boolean, hsEditSeries As Boolean, hsPageLoaded As Boolean, viewHSPage As Boolean)
Dim hsdoc As NotesDocument, activeDoc As NotesDocument
Dim dts1 As NotesDateTime, dte1 As NotesDateTime
Dim o As Variant, returnAttendees As Variant, selectedDate As Variant, initDateSeries As Variant, pSDates As Variant, pEDates As Variant
Dim uniqueStr As String, url As String, recurrenceChk As String
Dim changeVar() As changeDetail
Dim bookingSet As String, initDatesStr As String, pSDatesStr As String, pEDatesStr As String
Dim i As Integer, startIndex As Integer, endIndex As Integer
Dim EmailLookup As String
Dim EmailAddress As String
Dim RecurrProp As String
Set hsdoc = hsuidoc.Document
If IsEmpty(ObjCntl) Then
Set ObjCntl = hsuidoc.GetObject( "Microsoft Web Browser" ) 'i got an error here
End If
I am not sure if there is a minimum permission required to do this operation. Does anybody have any idea?