~Ted ZektumigennivuApr 9, 2013, 1:47 PM4 PostsRE: Domino on Linux XSeries 32 bit vs. 64 bit I would say that I doubt 32 bit is the future of computing.
~Fred MinkinivuApr 10, 2013, 6:27 AM4 PostsRE: Domino on Linux XSeries 32 bit vs. 64 bit I've just done a test upgrade of a test server, and I had NO problems in going from 32 bit to 64 bit. The OS still only has 2 Gb memory but up til now, it's runnings fine. Have to test more though. /Rasmus
~Richard ZenweplopikleApr 10, 2013, 2:38 PM5 PostsRE: Domino on Linux 32 bit vs 64 bitIt's all about memory. 32 on 32 mean a 32 bit app had to share it's address space with the kernel, so the 32 bit app usually only had a 2 GB address space (with the kernel taking the other 2GB). When we moved to 32 Bit on 64 Bit this meant the kernel had enough address space (16 ExaBytes) to let the 32 bit app have the full 4 GB address space (32 bit max value). For the majority of workloads running 32 Bit Domino on 64 Bit Linux with a 4 GB address space is fine. There are, however, some workloads that need more memory; one such example is Traveler - a Traveler workload due to it's thread per connection can exceed the 4GB address space limitation of a 32 bit app. There are some other advantages to 64 Bit Domino other than just the address space but these advantages are bult upon the address space difference. For example, our UBM buffer size defaults to 512MB in 32 bit Domino so that we do not consume too much of the address space there but in 64 Bit Domino the default is 1 GB. There are a number of pools within Domino whose "default" or "max" sizes have been increased in 64 Bit Domino since we have the "room" due to the larger address space. This being said, we haven't increased all of our pools as it's been an iterative process of determining which pools can benefit from an increase (for example, if a pool never exceeds it's present default, why increase and take up address space). We have a few other 64 Bit changes and the key is they all are there due to the larger address space. So, it's really your choice at this time. If 32 Bit Domino on 64 Bit Linux meets your "needs" it is perfectly fine to stay there, for now... I will admit that we want to stop supporting 32 Bit Domino (so very very much)- we've been trying for awhile now but the primary issue is with 3rd party products not having 64 bit versions of their products. De-supporting 32 bit Domino means the resources supporting it can go to further supporting 64 Bit Domino. So, keep this in mind, that 32 Bit Domino won't be around "forever" :) thanks! kenbo
~Fred MinkinivuApr 16, 2013, 1:27 PM4 PostsRE: Domino on Linux XSeries 32 bit vs. 64 bit @kenbo: Thanx for a "perfect" answer. As i wrote before, my upgrade test went ok, with no issues what so ever. So I go ahead with 64 bit. Then I don't have to "upgrade" later down the road. /Rasmus
~Fred MinkinivuApr 17, 2013, 11:04 AM4 PostsRE: Domino on Linux XSeries 32 bit vs. 64 bit Hi again. I did find one issue: Crossware Mail Signature is written for 32 bit libnotes.so library and on 64 bit domino it's 64 bit. So Crossware doesn't run:-( /Rasmus