I just installed a new Traveler server in French language. When I start it "normally" I get an XSP Initialization error.
Now, if I stop it in the console and restart it frome the workspace, a new window opens and there is no more error.
I just don't understand what the problem can be ?
Normal start :
[0B48:0002-0B44] 18/02/2014 10:34:52 HTTP Server: Java Virtual Machine loaded
[0B48:0002-0B44] 18/02/2014 10:34:52,38 CSRF Init: iNotes_WA_Security_ReturnUrlCheck> c_CSRFReturnUrlCheck: 1
[0B48:0002-0B44] iNotes Init: Credential Store Configuration not enabled, less secure mode.
[0B48:0002-0B44] 18/02/2014 10:34:52 Xsp Initialization error - Could not load class or methods
[0B48:0002-0B44] 18/02/2014 10:34:59 HTTP Server: Started
Desktop start with console open, opens a new window
18/02/2014 10:37:07 HTTP Server: Using Internet Site Configuration View
18/02/2014 10:37:08 Notes Traveler: Server started.
18/02/2014 10:37:12 JVM: Java Virtual Machine initialized.
18/02/2014 10:37:12 HTTP Server: Java Virtual Machine loaded
18/02/2014 10:37:20 XSP Command Manager initialized
18/02/2014 10:37:26 HTTP Server: Started
18/02/2014 10:38:18 HTTP JVM: 4656 [Traveler-InitConfig-384] INFO - Traveler Build 201310151651
Server is a VM Windows 2008 R2 Standard SP1
Any help is welcome