in Version 9.0.1 FP 9 I have found some new mistakes retrieving / setting font size and style in a richtext item.
In a given document containing a richtextitem (named "Body") with some text paragraphs if you copy it to another database with the following code:
dim dbDest as NotzesDatabase
Dim rtBody As NotesRichTextItem
Set docTemp = docCurrent.Copytodatabase(dbDest)
set rtBody = docTemp.GetFirstItem("Body")
Call docTemp.Save(True, False)
the style for all paragraphs is completly changed to 'Roman' size 12, although the original style is 'Helv' size 10.
A workarround is:
Set docTemp = docCurrent.Copytodatabase(dbDest)
Call docTemp.Save(true, false)
sNoteID = docTemp.Noteid
Set docTemp = Nothing
Set docTemp = dbDest.Getdocumentbyid(sNoteid)
set rtBody = docTemp.GetFirstItem("Body")
Call docTemp.Save(True, False)
I don't know why this is necessary.
If you want to identify the font style for all paragraphs in the document with the following code:
Set rtnav = body.CreateNavigator
If rtnav.FindFirstElement(RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTPARAGRAPH) Then
Dim rtRange As NotesRichTextRange
Dim style As NotesRichTextStyle
Set rtrange = Body.CreateRange
Call rtrange.Setbegin(rtnav)
Set style = rtrange.Style
Print "OStyle=" & CStr(style.Notesfont) & ", OGröße=" & CStr(style.Fontsize) & " (" & CStr(iCount) & ")"
iCount= iCount + 1
Loop While rtnav.FindNextElement(RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTPARAGRAPH)
you will see that the font style you will get for all paragraphs is '0' (='Roman') and size 12 although the actual style for the paragraphs are different an nowhere 'Roman' size 12! So the functionality seems to be unable to retrieve the actual font style.
If you try to change text in the richtext item with:
Set rtnav = rtBody.CreateNavigator
Call rtnav.FindFirstElement(RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTPARAGRAPH)
Set rtrange = rtBody.CreateRange
Call rtrange.Setbegin(rtnav)
Call rtnav.Setpositionatend(rtnav)
Call rtrange.Setend(rtnav)
iCount = rtrange.FindAndReplace (sPlaceholderName, vPlaceValue, 24)
If (iCount > 0) then
Call rtBody.Update()
End If
the style is changed for all paragraphs to 'Roman' size 12.
These are new mistakes in FP9. I have tested it. With FP6 it worked fine. I hope these mistakes will be eliminated in FP10.