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Subject: Get handle to WordApp Err Object in lotusscript
Feedback Type: Question
Product Area: Designer Client
Technical Area: Application development
Platform: ALL
Release: All
Reproducible: Always
I have written many lotusscripts that interact with Word and Excel and I know how to get standard Err, Error, Erl info from notes.
But I'm interested in getting the Error Object that exists in Word. I would like the Err.Number and Err.Description info.
I have tried wordApp.Err.Number and wordApp.Err.Description but it tells me that the wordApp.Err object doesn't exist. (I also tried wordApp.Error.Number and have the same problem.)
Any ideas how I can tap into that word object?
The purpose is to get more detail than the standard 213 Automation Object Error that lotusscript generates.
Thank you
Feedback number WEBBAXJ2H4 created by ~Umberto Nonfanalitikle on 04/05/2018
Status: Open