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Subject: OOO Agent sends summary every 3 minutes after "return date"
Feedback Type: Problem
Product Area: Notes 8 Client
Technical Area: Functionality
Platform: Linux client - SLED 10
Release: Beta 3
Reproducible: Always
I'm running Notes 8 Beta 3 on SLED 10. Upon my return date from midnight until I disabled the agent this morning, I got a summary message every 3 minutes. The server is 7.0.1 (not FP1) running on Windows 2003 R2 Server. The mail database is using DWA8 template. The only modification was that I changed the OOO agent trigger from schedule to "on event" being "after mail arrives". Is this modification no longer necessary to send out notifications immediately and did I cause this behavior by changing the trigger? Or possibly a bug with the new agent? Please advise if any file attachments would be helpful. Thanks!
Feedback number BERN74AN2P created by ~Sanjay Desjipytherakol on 06/18/2007
Status: Open