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Subject: First Initial Last Name Fields and Initials
Feedback Type: Question
Product Area: Domino Designer on Eclipse (DDE)
Technical Area: Application Development
Platform: Windows
Release: 8.5.3
Reproducible: Always
I have a question regarding fields. I have a document that is an employee information record. I want to be able to automatically generate First Initial. Last Name automatically and generate initials. For example, J. Smith and JS or JTS if it has a middle initial. I want to be able to pull the Employee Name which is LastNAME, First Name into other documents along with the Initials and the first initial last name. I would like to use @prompt with @dbcolumn or @dblookup. Most of the time @dbcolumn works if there are only two things I am pulling from a look up view. But Can I pull 3 or more fields using @dbcolumn or @dblookup?
Feedback number WEBBB54FGH created by ~Bill Opfanakonyoopsi on 09/30/2018
Status: Open